Minneapolis attorneys fight for your right to drive

Criminal punishment for a DWI in Minnesota can be tough, but don't dismiss the severity of administrative sanctions. Losing your driver's license can make it difficult to get to work or to take care of your family.

It is vital that you contact Jeffrey B. Ring & Associates immediately to understand and protect your rights.You have only 30 days to challenge a license revocation. The state moves quickly. You must move quickly, too.

In our nearly 40 years of law practice, our DUI attorneys have helped countless drivers retain their licenses or get them back sooner. We understand the system and how to make it benefit our clients.

How long does a license revocation last?

If you fail a blood, breath or urine test after being pulled over by law enforcement for suspected DWI, or if you refuse to take the tests, your license may be revoked immediately pending an administrative hearing. Typically, you are given a temporary license for seven days before the revocation process is complete.

Here are some things you must understand about license revocation due to DWI or related charges. If you:

  • Are a first-time offender, and your blood-alcohol content is below .16, your license will be revoked for 90 days. You have a choice - zero driving privileges for 15 days, followed by a limited license for the remainder of the 90 days (a limited license allows driving to work, school and abstinence programs), or full driving privileges for the 90 days with use of the ignition interlock. (Everything is increased if the driver is not yet 21.)
  • Drive with a blood-alcohol level above .16, or with a child in the car, your license is revoked for one year, and you drive with an ignition interlock for one year. You may also have to forfeit your car and lose your license plates.
  • Have a second offense, you face one year of no driving privileges or ignition interlock with an alcohol level below .16, or two years if your level is above .16.
  • Are charged with your third or fourth offense, your license may be cancelled and your license plates impounded. You will be required to use an ignition interlock and to remain alcohol-free for up to three years for a third offense or up to six years for a fourth offense.
  • Refuse to take a blood, breath or urine test, you could lose your license for one year, or you can drive with an ignition interlock for one year, or more if you have priors.
  • If you are under the age of 21, your license will be revoked for at least six months.

Reinstating your license after a DWI-related revocation costs $680, plus driver's license application fees. It also requires a DWI knowledge test and a chemical health assessment (which you pay for).

Remember - you do have rights in the revocation or cancellation of your license. You may qualify for an ignition interlock device or a limited driver's license if necessary to seek employment, drive to and from your job, attend chemical dependency treatment, provide for the needs of your family or further your education. And all of these consequences can be challenged by your lawyer in court!

If your drunk driving arrest is a probation violation, our attorneys can defend you on that issue, as well.

Aggressive Minneapolis license suspension lawyers

Contact Jeffrey B. Ring & Associates for a DWI attorney who makes sure you understand the administrative penalties for drunk driving and fights to help you keep your driving privileges. Time is of the essence. We offer a free consultation, so do not hesitate to meet with a lawyer at our firm to discuss your case.